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Wasja Bloch

and 9 more

Sabrina Metzger

and 5 more

Using E-W and vertical deformation-rate maps derived from radar interferometric time-series, we analyze the deformation field of an entire orogenic segment, i.e., the Tajik depression and its adjoining mountain belts, Tian Shan, Pamir, and Hindu Kush. The data-base consists of 900+ radar scenes acquired over 2.0–4.5 years and global navigation satellite system measurements. The recent, supra-regional kinematics is visualized in an unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. We confirm the westward collapse of the Pamir-Plateau crust, inverting the Tajik basin into a fold-thrust belt with shortening rates decaying westward from ~15 to 2 mm/yr. Vertical rates in the Hindu Kush likely record slab-dynamic effects, i.e., the progressive break-off of the Hindu Kush slab. At least 10 mm/yr of each, uplift and westward motion occur along the western edge of the Pamir Plateau, outlining the crustal-scale ramp along which the Pamir Plateau overrides the Tajik depression. The latter shows a combination of basin-scale tectonics, halokinesis, and seasonal/weather-driven near-surface effects. Abrupt ~6 mm/yr horizontal-rate changes occur across the kinematically-linked dextral Ilyak strike-slip fault, bounding the Tajik fold-thrust belt to the north, and the Babatag backthrust, the major thrust of the fold-thrust belt, located far west in the belt. The sharp rate decay across the Ilyak fault indicates a locking depth of ≤1 km. The Hoja Mumin salt fountain is spreading laterally at ≤350 mm/yr. On the first-order, the modern 20–5 and fossil (since ~12 Ma) 12–8 mm/yr shortening rates across the fold-thrust belt correspond.

Susanne Schneider

and 4 more

Birk Härtel

and 2 more

Zircon Raman dating is an emergent thermochronological method. It exploits the disruption of the zircon lattice due to α-disintegration of trace amounts of 238U, 235U, 232Th, and their daughters. The radiation damage broadens the Raman bands and shifts them to lower wavenumbers. The Raman bandwidths provide a sensitive measure for the accumulated lattice damage (Nasdala et al., 1995; Nasdala et al., 2001). The measured bandwidth and the effective uranium concentration define the Raman age (Härtel et al., 2021). Radiation damage anneals upon heating and the meaning of the Raman age depends on the zircon’s thermal history. The Raman age is a formation age if no annealing has taken place, or a reset age if all pre-existing damage has been annealed by a geological heating event. In the case of partial annealing, however, the Raman age is a mixed age with no obvious geological significance. Mixed ages are difficult to interpret and cannot be distinguished from reset ages using the standard procedure for annealing detection (Nasdala et al., 2001). On the other hand, inhomogeneous damage distributions due to actinide zoning within zircon grains present a problem for zircon Raman dating. Overlapping signals from more and less damaged zones lead to asymmetric Raman bands and overestimated bandwidths (Nasdala et al., 2005). We discuss Raman spectra of zircon from partially annealed samples and spectra with asymmetric bands. We introduce discrimination plots based on the 356, 439, and 1008 cm-1 bandwidths that provide a means for detecting and distinguishing asymmetry and partial annealing. We discuss examples of zircon Raman dating and present a measurement protocol.