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A New Approach to the Siltation Problem in the Sand Storage Dam
  • +2
  • Sevval Gulduren,
  • Joe Ellingson,
  • John Selker,
  • Kendra Sharp,
  • Gordon Grant
Sevval Gulduren
Oregon State University

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Joe Ellingson
Oregon State University
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John Selker
Oregon State University
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Kendra Sharp
Oregon State University
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Gordon Grant
Oregon State University
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Sand dams, a water harvesting system built in arid or semi-arid regions, collect and store water in saturated sands to increase water availability in dry seasons, while avoiding evaporation and reducing water-borne disease vectors. The capacity of the dam to store water depends on the texture of the sediment accumulated in the reservoir. An ideal sand dam is expected to wash fine-grained particles, especially silt and clay out of the reservoir, collecting only coarse particles to provide for maximum open pore space and minimum capillary retention (the water is typically extracted via an open well). Although conceptually simple, sand dam commonly failed due to the retention of fine particles. It has been recommended to build sand dams in stages to overcome this problem, with each stage low enough so that the shear forces of flow will keep silt and clay mobile, and pass them out of the reservoir. Although it is effective, this method is not preferred in terms of cost and time spent (repeatedly re-mobilizing a team to add to the dam). We present a new approach to the siltation problem by seeking an ideal shape (weir) cut in the face of a sand dam designed to provide shear forces such that coarse particles accumulation while washing the finer materials such as silt and clay. This will be done by finding a relation between the cut-outs of in the face of the dam and the sediment transport rates. Challenges in predicting sediment transport rate are investigated using both numerical and experimental modeling. We seek to reduce the failure rate of sand dams, and also provide for a method to re-establish sediment fills behind existing dams.